It may not be easy but it can be done

Only 43% of seniors over the age of 70 find it easy to live independently.  This is for a variety of reasons but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.  With some planning and forethought you can decide how and where you want to live the rest of your life.  According to Harvard’s Joint Center f or Housing Studies the percentage of people over 80 living in their own home will double from 6% to 12% by 2038.  Of course the earlier you begin the process of preparing yourself and your home the better off you will be.  A few of the challenges older individuals face are, mobility; both in the home and doing errands, self care and loneliness.  Most of us don’t want to focus on what our limitations are let alone what they may be 10,15 or 20 years from now.  Just like financial planning for retirement we should be thinking about the future as it pertains to our living space.  In this article I will be touching on mobility in and around your home.

 There are some simple changes you can make to your home that will allow you to live there more safely for many years to come. These changes include things like modifications or repairs to your home, hiring people to help you are do things you have done by yourself like yard work or housecleaning, or having someone come into your home on a regular basis to help with personal care like bathing.  Don’t forget the importance of personal interaction. Do you have a favorite hobby you can do with someone else, do you play cards or games how about an exercise class?  Check out activities at a local senior center at  Hopefully you can find something that makes your heart sing. 

If you would like some referrals for people to help you with home maintenance or repairs reach out or check out my vendor list at vendor list — Marilyn Emery Homes 

Marilyn Emery